Chugger Pumps

Best Home Brew Pump - Chugger Pump

Chugger World in New Jersey

Did you know that the creators of Chugger Pumps are originally distributors of industrial and commercial pumps?

That’s right, their broad knowledge and experience within the pump industry promptly lead to the development/birth of Chugger Pumps.

Like many home brewers they enjoyed the hobby of beer brewing and were fascinated by the process. At the beginning, as a first time brewer they used gravity to feed the liquid into the next brewing vessel but quickly learned how difficult and dangerous brewing could be without a helpful device. As time passed they began to brew more and more and realized how expensive home-brewing could be. With a little over 2K invested into their brew stand, they began exploring the various beer brewing suppliers. After much research, they learned that all the suppliers were selling Plastic Pump and offered no Stainless Steel option. With the level of knowledge and passion for beer brewing, they set out to produce a better quality and less expensive product for the home-brewing community.